What inspired me to write this book

I am very fortunate for having four lovely bright grandchildren all in their early teens. They have inquisitive minds and I have spent a lot of time discussing many subjects, including science. No end to the questions they have been asking, especially on subjects such as our universe, our planet and us humans – how we came to be and why we behave the way we do. For their benefit and the benefit of similar inquisitive minds, I thought it would be best to put together a brief flyby journey from the very beginning, the advent of our universe, to the present and the future, in an effort to stimulate young inquisitive minds to further explore and may be take up science as a career. It was great fun doing it, helped by members of my family and the illustrator Andrew Pagram. The Covid lockdown, also helped, a rare benefit attributable to the dreadful isolation we all suffered, especially youngsters who missed so much school time. A further incentive to write the book was my strong belief that everything that is thought to youngsters, or to anyone for that matter, should be evidence based rather than fantasy or dogma. If non-evidence based information or dogma is to be taught, then it should be made clear that it is just that – fantasy.
So far, I have had encouraging feed backs – hope this will continue.

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